templates – Things that can be put in the report

This module contains classes that are supposed to act as containers of all the information that is necessary to represent a test in a given format. For instance, in the case of tables this includes the column contents, the headers, etc. It does not include any formatting information, such as column widths, floating-point precision, colours, etc. Decisions about the formatting are handled by suitable formatting classes, such as Rst.

class valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate(*columns, headers=None, units=None, highlights=None)[source]

A container class that encapsulates all the necessary information to represent a table.

Examples of use of mainly show in context of concatentation of TableTemplate, obtained with the join method.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> tit1 = TableTemplate(np.float_(1.5), np.float_(1.4),
...                      headers=['egg', 'spam'])
>>> tit2 = TableTemplate(np.float_(1.2), np.float_(0.9),
...                      headers=['egg', 'spam'])
>>> stab12 = join(tit1, tit2)
>>> print(len(tit1.columns), len(tit2.columns))
2 2
>>> print(tit1.columns[0].size, tit2.columns[0].size)
1 1
>>> print(len(stab12.columns))
>>> print(stab12.columns[0].size)
>>> print(f"{stab12!r}")
class: <class 'valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate'>
headers: ['egg', 'spam']
egg: [1.5 1.2]
spam: [1.4 0.9]
highlights: [array([0., 0.]), array([0., 0.])]

stab12 contained both tit1 and tit2 as expected. Headers of the columns are the same, length of the columns is the sum of the two.

>>> tit3 = TableTemplate(np.float_(0.8), np.float_(1.1),
...                      headers=['knight', 'parrot'])
>>> stab13 = join(tit1, tit3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: TableTemplates to add should have same headers

An error is raised as the two TableTemplate don’t contain the same headers, so not the same kind of columns, thus they cannot be concatenated.

It is also possible to join tables with same headers but different ‘types’ (scalars and arrays):

>>> tit4 = TableTemplate(np.arange(4), np.arange(4)*0.5,
...                      headers=['egg', 'spam'])
>>> print(len(tit4.columns), tit4.columns[0].size)
2 4
>>> stab14 = join(tit1, tit4)
>>> print(len(stab14.columns), stab14.columns[0].size)
2 5
>>> stab14.columns[0].size == tit1.columns[0].size + tit4.columns[0].size
>>> print(f"{stab14!r}")
class: <class 'valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate'>
headers: ['egg', 'spam']
egg: [1.5 0.  1.  2.  3. ]
spam: [1.4 0.  0.5 1.  1.5]
highlights: [array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])]

It is also possible to join arrays, a bigger array is obtained, without separation between the initial TableTemplate:

>>> tit5 = TableTemplate(np.arange(3)*0.1, np.arange(3)*0.05,
...                      headers=['egg', 'spam'])
>>> stab45 = join(tit4, tit5)
>>> print(len(stab45.columns), len(stab45.columns[0]))
2 7
>>> print(f"{stab45!r}")
class: <class 'valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate'>
headers: ['egg', 'spam']
egg: [0.  1.  2.  3.  0.  0.1 0.2]
spam: [0.   0.5  1.   1.5  0.   0.05 0.1 ]
highlights: [array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])]

Any number of TableTemplate can be joined (if fulfilling the requirements).

>>> stab145 = join(tit1, tit4, tit5)
>>> print(f"{stab145!r}")
class: <class 'valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate'>
headers: ['egg', 'spam']
egg: [1.5 0.  1.  2.  3.  0.  0.1 0.2]
spam: [1.4  0.   0.5  1.   1.5  0.   0.05 0.1 ]
highlights: [array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])]

The TableTemplate.join method updates the left TableTemplate as expected:

>>> tit1.join(tit4, tit5)
>>> print(f"{tit1!r}")
class: <class 'valjean.javert.templates.TableTemplate'>
headers: ['egg', 'spam']
egg: [1.5 0.  1.  2.  3.  0.  0.1 0.2]
spam: [1.4  0.   0.5  1.   1.5  0.   0.05 0.1 ]
highlights: [array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])]
__init__(*columns, headers=None, units=None, highlights=None)[source]

Construct a table from a set of columns. The columns must be numpy.ndarray objects, and they must all contain the same number of elements (same array size).

Column headers may be specified using the headers argument; in this case, the number of headers must be equal to the number of columns.

Column units can also be specified using the units argument. Again, you must pass as many units as there are columns.

Finally, it is possible to specify which table elements should be highlighted. This is done by passing a list of lists (or numpy.ndarray) to the highlights argument. Each element of the highlights (outer) list represents a table column and therefore must have the same shape as all the other columns; also, the length of highlights must be equal to the number of columns. Elements of the inner lists (or numpy.ndarray) must be booleans and indicate whether the corresponding table element must be highlighted.


Copy a TableTemplate object.

Return type:



the highlignt function is not really copied, it has the same address as the self one. I don’t know how to change that.


Join a given number a TableTemplate to the current one.

Only TableTemplate with the same number of columns and same headers can be joined. The method returns the updated current one.


others (list(TableTemplate)) – list of TableTemplates to be joined to the current TableTemplate


Print TableTemplate details.


Build a sliced TableTemplate from the current TableTemplate.

Slicing is done like in the usual NumPy arrays, see: numpy indexing for more informations. No treatment like in dataset is done.


index (int, slice, tuple(slice)) – index, slice or tuple of slices

Return type:



Yield bytes representing self. Two TableTemplate objects containing equal data yield the same data.


Test for equality of self and another TableTemplate.


Test for inequality of self and another TableTemplate.

__hash__ = None
class valjean.javert.templates.CurveElements(values, bins, legend, *, index=0, errors=None)[source]

Define the characteristics of a curve to plot.

__init__(values, bins, legend, *, index=0, errors=None)[source]

Construction of CurveElements: curve details (values, bins, etc).

Values and errors (if given) should be numpy.ndarray of same shape (they must have only non-trivial dimension).

Bins are stored as a list of numpy.ndarray. This list should have the same length as the dimension of the values.

The index is used to share the plotting style between curves that should. For example, if on a plot there are the reference and two curves representing different data, let’s say ‘egg’ and ‘spam’, if we also want to draw the ratio of these data with the reference, the same style will be applied to ‘egg vs reference’ and ‘egg’ and to ‘spam vs reference’ and ‘spam’. In that case to ensure the same style ‘egg vs reference’ and ‘egg’ should have the same index (same for the ‘spam’ case).

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – array to be represented on the plot, mandatory

  • bins (list(numpy.ndarray)) – bins to be used to represent the values

  • legend (str) – string to be used in the legend to characterize the curve, mandatory

  • index (int) – index of the curve (used for style for example)

  • errors (numpy.ndarray) – errors associated to values (per default only on 1D plots and y-axis)


Copy a CurveElements object.

Return type:



Printing of CurveElements.


Printing of CurveElements.


Generator yielding objects supporting the buffer protocol that (as a whole) represent a serialized version of self.


Test for equality of self and another CurveElements.


Test for inequality of self and another CurveElements.

__hash__ = None
class valjean.javert.templates.SubPlotAttributes(dim)[source]

Container to store sub-plots attributes:

  • axis limits

  • axis scale: linear (default) or logatithmic

  • additional horizontal or vertical lines

Theses attributes are independent of the used backend (examples: matplotlib, Root, gnuplot, D3). The backend then gets the attributes and apply them with its own features.


Initialisation of PlotAttributes.

The attributes of the instance are private.


dim (int) – dimension of the data on the sub-plot (used to check consistency of limits)


Copy a SubPlotAttributes object.

Return type:


property limits

Return limits.

property lines

Return lines to be plotted.

exception valjean.javert.templates.SubPlotElementsException[source]

Error raised if the sub plot looks inconsistent.

class valjean.javert.templates.SubPlotElements(*, curves, axnames=('', ''), ptype='1D')[source]

Container to store a given sub-plot.

__init__(*, curves, axnames=('', ''), ptype='1D')[source]

Initialisation of SubPlotElements.

A subplot is defined as data (curves) sharing the same plotting properties:

  • axis names

  • type of the plot (e.g. '1D', '2D', …), see the chosen backend to get the list of possibilities (example: MplPlot)

  • axis scales

  • axis limits

The last axis name corresponds to the quantity to be drawn, the first ones to the bins.

Axis scales can be linear (default) or logarithmic (if set to True).

Vertical or horizontal lines can also be added.

  • curves (list(CurveElements)) – list of curves to go on the sub-plot

  • axnames (tuple) – name of the axes of the sub-plot

  • type (str) – type of the sub-plot, default: '1D'


Copy a SubPlotElements object.

Return type:



Printing of SubPlotElements


Printing of SubPlotElements


Generator yielding objects supporting the buffer protocol that (as a whole) represent a serialized version of self.


Test of equality of self and another SubPlotElements.


Test for inequality of self and another SubPlotElements.

__hash__ = None
class valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate(*, subplots, small_subplots=True, suppress_xaxes=False, suppress_legends=False, backend_kw=None)[source]

A container for full test result to be represented as a plot. This includes all the datasets and the test result. This can also include p-values or other test parameters, depending on what is given to the PlotTemplate.

Examples mainly present the join method, used to concatentate PlotTemplate.

>>> bins1, d11, d12 = np.arange(4), np.arange(4), np.arange(4)*10
>>> d13 = d11 + d12
>>> bins2, d2 = np.arange(5), np.arange(5)*0.5
>>> pit1 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d11, [bins1], 'd11', index=0)],
...     axnames=['egg', 'brandy'])])
>>> pit2 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d12, bins=[bins1], legend='d12', index=1)],
...     axnames=['egg', 'beer'])])
>>> pit3 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d13, legend='d13', bins=[bins1], index=2)],
...     axnames=['egg', 'wine'])])
>>> splt123 = join(pit1, pit2, pit3)
>>> print(f"{splt123!r}")
class:   <class 'valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate'>
N subplots: 3
Subplot 0
 axnames: ['egg', 'brandy'], plot type: 1D, N curves: 1
 Curve 0
  legend:  d11
  index:   0
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
  values:  [0 1 2 3]
  errors:  None
Subplot 1
 axnames: ['egg', 'beer'], plot type: 1D, N curves: 1
 Curve 0
  legend:  d12
  index:   1
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
  values:  [ 0 10 20 30]
  errors:  None
Subplot 2
 axnames: ['egg', 'wine'], plot type: 1D, N curves: 1
 Curve 0
  legend:  d13
  index:   2
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
  values:  [ 0 11 22 33]
  errors:  None

As expected a new PlotTemplate is obtained, containing three subplots, each one containing one curve.

Like in the TableTemplate case, the PlotTemplate.join method updates the left PlotTemplate as expected:

>>> pit1.join(pit2, pit3)
>>> pit1 == splt123

A new curve with the same axes will also create a new suplot:

>>> d14 = d11*2
>>> pit4 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d14, legend='d14', index=3, bins=[bins1])],
...     axnames=['egg', 'beer'])])
>>> split24 = join(pit2, pit4)
>>> print(split24)
class:   <class 'valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate'>
Subplot 0
 axnames: ['egg', 'beer'], plot type: 1D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d12
  index:   1
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
Subplot 1
 axnames: ['egg', 'beer'], plot type: 1D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d14
  index:   3
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]

To get it in the same subplot it has to be done at creation.

>>> pit24 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d12, legend='d12', index=1, bins=[bins1]),
...             CurveElements(d14, legend='d14', index=3, bins=[bins1])],
...     axnames=['egg', 'beer'])])
>>> print(pit24)
class:   <class 'valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate'>
Subplot 0
 axnames: ['egg', 'beer'], plot type: 1D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d12
  index:   1
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
 Curve 1
  legend:  d14
  index:   3
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]

>>> split24 == pit24

N-dimensional plot templates can be built, but the plotting engine may not be able to convert multi-dimensional templates into plots.

The same behavior is expected for multi-dimensions plots: join will had a new subplot. To be noted: only one curve can be plotted on a subplot in multi-dimensional case, so any additional curve will throw a warning. Plot representation may not be as expected.

>>> d31 = np.arange(bins1.size*bins2.size).reshape(bins1.size, bins2.size)
>>> d32 = np.arange(bins1.size*bins2.size).reshape(
...     bins1.size, bins2.size)*0.01
>>> pit7 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d31, bins=[bins1, bins2],
...                           legend='d31', index=0)],
...     axnames=['egg', 'spam', 'bacon'], ptype='2D')])
>>> pit8 = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(d32, bins=[bins1, bins2],
...                           legend='d32', index=1)],
...     axnames=['egg', 'spam', 'lobster'], ptype='2D')])
>>> splt78 = join(pit7, pit8)
>>> print(f"{splt78!s}")
class:   <class 'valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate'>
Subplot 0
 axnames: ['egg', 'spam', 'bacon'], plot type: 2D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d31
  index:   0
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])]
Subplot 1
 axnames: ['egg', 'spam', 'lobster'], plot type: 2D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d32
  index:   1
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])]

It is also possible to mix 1D and 2D plots:

>>> splt27 = join(pit2, pit7)
>>> print(f"{splt27!s}")
class:   <class 'valjean.javert.templates.PlotTemplate'>
Subplot 0
 axnames: ['egg', 'beer'], plot type: 1D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d12
  index:   1
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3])]
Subplot 1
 axnames: ['egg', 'spam', 'bacon'], plot type: 2D
 Curve 0
  legend:  d31
  index:   0
  bins:    [array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])]
__init__(*, subplots, small_subplots=True, suppress_xaxes=False, suppress_legends=False, backend_kw=None)[source]

Construction of the PlotTemplate from a list of SubPlotElements.

  • subplots (list(SubPlotElements)) – list of sub-plots

  • small_subplots (bool) – draw additional subplots in smaller size than the first one, default = True

  • suppress_xaxes (bool) – suppress label and ticks labels of the x-axis of subplots except the last one, default = False

  • suppress_legends (bool) – suppress legend on all subplots except the first one, default = False

  • backend_kw (dict) – dictionary with backend-specific options


Copy a PlotTemplate object.

Return type:



Join a given number a PlotTemplate to the current one.

Only PlotTemplate with the same number of columns and same headers can be joined. The method returns the updated current one.


others (list(PlotTemplate)) – list of PlotTemplates to be join with the current PlotTemplate


Printing of PlotTemplate.


Printing of PlotTemplate.


Yield bytes representing self. Two TableTemplate objects containing equal data yield the same data.


Test for equality of self and another PlotTemplate.


Test for inequality of self and another PlotTemplate.


Return a sorted list of unique index of the curves.

__hash__ = None
class valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate(text)[source]

A container class that encapsulates text for the report.

The user has to write the text as a string. ReST markdown can be used as compilation is expected to be done by sphinx.


Titles might not be well represented in a ReSt formatted TextTemplate: no knowledge of the current level of title, nor the associated symbol. Lists or enumerations might be more suitable.

As in the other templates, examples will focus on the concatenation (join) of different TextTemplate.

>>> ttplt1 = TextTemplate('Spam egg bacon')
>>> print(f"{ttplt1!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='Spam egg bacon')
>>> ttplt2 = TextTemplate('**Spam** egg bacon')
>>> print(f"{ttplt2!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='**Spam** egg bacon')
>>> ttplt3 = TextTemplate(r".. role:: hl\n\nsausage :hl:`tomato`")
>>> ttplt1.join(ttplt3)
>>> print(f"{ttplt1!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='Spam egg bacon.. role:: hl\\n\\nsausage :hl:`tomato`')

The sphinx compilation will fail there, as the are no empty line between the first and the second string. If you know some text will follow, think about the \n.

>>> ttplt1 = TextTemplate('Spam egg bacon\n\n')
>>> ttplt3 = TextTemplate('.. role:: hl\n\nsausage :hl:`tomato`\n\n')
>>> ttplt1.join(ttplt3)
>>> print(f"{ttplt1!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='Spam egg bacon\n\n.. role:: hl\n\nsausage :hl:`tomato`\n\n')

Test of the external function join:

>>> ttplt4 = join(ttplt3, ttplt3)
>>> print(f"{ttplt4!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='.. role:: hl\n\nsausage :hl:`tomato`\n\n.. role:: hl\n\nsausage :hl:`tomato`\n\n')

The copy doesn’t affect the original:

>>> ttplt5 = ttplt2.copy()
>>> ttplt5.text += ' sausage'
>>> print(f"{ttplt2!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='**Spam** egg bacon')
>>> print(f"{ttplt5!r}")
<class 'valjean.javert.templates.TextTemplate'>(text='**Spam** egg bacon sausage')

Construct the text to be sent to the report.


text (str) – text to be written in the report


Print TextTemplate details.


Copy a TextTemplate object.

Return type:



Join a given number of TextTemplate to the current one.


Yield bytes representing self. Two TableTemplate objects containing equal data yield the same data.


Test for equality of self and another TextTemplate.

__hash__ = None

Test for inequality of self and another TextTemplate.


Join a “list” of templates of same kind, TableTemplate or PlotTemplate using the related join methods.

It returns a new templates (TableTemplate or PlotTemplate).


templates (list(TableTemplate) or list(PlotTemplate)) – list of templates

Return type:

TableTemplate, PlotTemplate, TextTemplate

See TableTemplate and PlotTemplate for examples of use. Only few error cases will be shown here:

>>> bins1, data11, data12 = np.arange(4), np.arange(4), np.arange(4)*10
>>> bins2, data2 = np.arange(5), np.arange(5)*0.5
>>> tablit = TableTemplate(bins1, data11, headers=['egg', 'spam'])
>>> plotit = PlotTemplate(subplots=[SubPlotElements(
...     curves=[CurveElements(data11, bins=[bins1], legend='d11')],
...     axnames=['egg', 'spam'])])
>>> tit = join(tablit, plotit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Only a TableTemplate can be joined to another TableTemplate
>>> tit = join(plotit, tablit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Only a PlotTemplate can be joined to another PlotTemplate