rlist — Reversible lists

A reversible list (RList for short) keeps track of the indices of its elements for fast reverse lookup. It has mostly the same semantics as lists:

>>> from valjean.cosette.rlist import RList
>>> dead, stiff, bereft, rests = ('dead', 'stiff', 'bereft of life',
...                               'rests in peace')
>>> parrot = RList([dead, stiff, bereft, rests])
>>> parrot[0]
>>> parrot[-2]
'bereft of life'
>>> del parrot[1]
>>> print(parrot)
['dead', 'bereft of life', 'rests in peace']
>>> parrot == ['dead', 'bereft of life', 'rests in peace']
>>> parrot == RList(['a stiff'])

Additionally, you can quickly (in O(1) time on average) look up the index of an item or check if an item is contained in the list:

>>> parrot.index(rests)  # this call is O(1)
>>> rests in parrot  # and so is this

This operation takes O(n) average time in normal lists.

The most important differences with respect to the semantics of traditional Python lists are:

  1. Slicing operations are not supported.

  2. The notion of “containment” is user-defined. By default, a value belongs to an RList if it has the same key as one of the list elements. The key, by default, is the value id. In other words, normal lists compare items with the == operator, while RList compares object IDs by default. Objects that compare equal (with the standard == operator) may be used interchangeably in a list, but not in a RList. For example, here is a simple class:

    >>> class A:
    ...    def __init__(self, x):
    ...        self.x = x
    ...    def __eq__(self, other):
    ...        return self.x == other.x

    and here is how it behaves in a normal list:

    >>> a1 = A(42)
    >>> a2 = A(42)
    >>> a1 == a2
    >>> a1 in [a2]

    The objects a1 and a2 compare equal, so to the eyes of the list [a2] they are “the same”. RList, on the other hand, does not play along with this charade by default:

    >>> a1 is a2
    >>> id(a1) == id(a2)  # equivalent to the line above
    >>> a1 in RList([a2])

    Since a1 and a2 are distinct objects (they live in different memory locations), they are different in the eyes of RList. This may result in unexpected behaviour, especially with strings, ints or other small objects for which the Python interepreter may provide some kind of caching optimisation:

    >>> lst = RList([1])
    >>> 1 in lst
    >>> lst = RList([1234567])
    >>> 1234567 in lst
    >>> # wat?
    >>> 1234567 in RList([1234567])
    >>> # WAT?

    This weird behaviour is actually a well-documented quirk of the CPython implementation.

    If you want, you can define your own notion of key for your objects by passing a suitable function to the key argument of the RList constructor; the only constraint is that the value returned by key must be hashable. For example, if you have a list of strings, you can use the string itself as a key as follows:

    >>> parrot_by_value = RList(['Norwegian blue', 'plumage', 'pining'],
    ...                         key=lambda x: x)
    >>> 'plumage' in parrot_by_value
    >>> 'bereft of life' in parrot_by_value

    You can also use more sophisticated key functions:

    >>> a_rlist = RList([A(0), A(1), A(2)], key=lambda a: a.x)
    >>> A(2) in a_rlist
    >>> A(5) in a_rlist
class valjean.cosette.rlist.RList(args=None, *, key=<built-in function id>)[source]

Create a reversible list from an iterable.


args – An iterable containing some elements.

__init__(args=None, *, key=<built-in function id>)[source]

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).


Return self==value.


Return self!=value.

insert(index, value)[source]

Insert an element at a given index.

index(value, start=0, stop=None)[source]

Return the index of the given value, if present.

  • value – The object to search for.

  • start (int) – The index to search from.

  • stop (int) – The index to search up to.


ValueError – if the element is not present in the container.


The index of (the first occurrence of) value in the list. The returned value i always satisfies start <= i < stop.


Return all the indices of the given value, if present.


value – The object to search for.


KeyError – if the element is not present in the container.


All the list indices where value occurs.

get_index(value, default)[source]

Return the index of the given value, or a default if the value is missing.

  • value – The object to search for.

  • default – The value to be returned if value is not present in the container.

swap(i, j)[source]

Swap two elements of the list.

After this operation, the ith and jth elements will be swapped.

  • i (int) – The index of the first element.

  • j (int) – The index of the second element.


Return a shallow copy of this object.

__hash__ = None