env — Environment for task execution

This module defines Env, a class that makes it simpler to add information about running tasks. An Env object can be created from an existing dictionary as follows:

>>> from valjean.cosette.env import Env
>>> quest = {'name': 'Sir Galahad', 'favourite colour': 'blue'}
>>> env_quest = Env(quest)  # a shallow copy of `quest` is performed

You can use an Env object as a glorified dicitionary (Env inherits from dict), but its main purpose is really to store information about concurrently running tasks (see Task). By convention, the keys in Env are assumed to be task names; the associated values are dictionaries storing whatever information may be useful about the task. The dictionaries are also expected to have a 'status' key describing the current task status (see TaskStatus). An example of Env respecting these conventions is the following:

>>> from valjean.cosette.task import Task, TaskStatus
>>> class FindHolyGrail(Task):
...   '''We derive a class from Task, which is abstract.'''
...   def do(self, env, config):
...     # find the Holy Grail
...     pass
>>> quest = FindHolyGrail('quest')  # 'quest' is the task name
>>> tasks = {quest.name: {'name': 'Sir Galahad',
...                       'favourite colour': 'blue',
...                       'status': TaskStatus.FAILED}}
>>> env = Env(tasks)

The Env API integrates well with the task module and provides a number of practical methods for dealing with tasks. For instance, there are is_* methods for all members of the TaskStatus enumeration:

>>> env.is_failed(quest)
>>> print(env.get_status(quest))    # equivalently

Additionally, you can change the status of a task with

>>> env.set_status(quest, TaskStatus.DONE)
>>> env.set_done(quest)  # equivalent, shorter version

Information about the tasks, incuding their status, is stored with the task name as the key:

>>> print(env[quest.name]['status'])

The Env class tries hard to be thread-safe; that is, all its methods will operate atomically. Internally, thread safety is enforced by locking the object whenever its contents are accessed. This, however, does not help in case of read-and-modify operations, as in the following example:

>>> if env.is_done(quest):      # WARNING: do not try this at home
...     env.set_skipped(quest)  # race condition here!

This snippet is racy in multithreaded mode because another thread may change the status of quest after is_done has released the lock but before set_skipped has had the chance to acquire it. For these scenarios, Env offers the atomically method, which accepts as an argument the action that should be performed. When called, atomically first acquires the lock on the object, and then passes the Env object to the action. A thread-safe implementation of the read-and-modify trip above is implemented as follows:

>>> def modify_task1(env):
...     if env.is_done(quest):
...         env.set_skipped(quest)
>>> env.atomically(modify_task1)
>>> env.is_skipped(quest)
exception valjean.cosette.env.EnvError[source]

An error that may be raised by the Env class.

class valjean.cosette.env.Env(dictionary=None)[source]

The Env class can be used to store and dynamically update information about concurrently running tasks, and offers thread-safety guarantees.


Construct an object based on an existing dictionary.


Return repr(self).

classmethod from_file(path, *, fmt='pickle')[source]

Deserialize an Env object from a file.

  • path (str) – Path to the file.

  • fmt (str) – Serialization format (only 'pickle' is supported for the moment).


The deserialized object.

to_file(path, *, task_name=None, fmt='pickle')[source]

Serialize an Env object to a file.

  • path (str) – path to the file.

  • task_name (str or None) – name of the task to serialize, or None to serialize the whole environment.

  • fmt (str) – serialization format (only 'pickle' is supported for the moment).


Merge task status from another environment.

This method takes an additional environment other as an argument. If the same key appears in self and other and other[key]['status'] == TaskStatus.DONE, then it sets self[key] = other[key].

The idea is that self might contain a pristine environment, while other might provide the results of a previous run. We want to mark completed tasks as DONE, but we also want to re-run those that failed.


other (Env) – The environment providing the updates.

set_status(task, status)[source]

Set task’s status to status.


Return task’s status.


Perform an action atomically on the environment dictionary. The dictionary passes itself as the first argument to action, which must be callable.


Apply un update to the dictionary.

set_start_end_clock(task, *, start, end)[source]

Set the start and end time for the given task.


Return the start time for the given task.


Return the end time for the given task.


Return a shallow copy of self.


Do not serialize the lock, as doing so results in exceptions with Python >=3.6.


The serialized state does not contain a lock; create a new one instead.


Returns True if task’s status is DONE.


Returns True if task’s status is FAILED.


Returns True if task’s status is PENDING.


Returns True if task’s status is SKIPPED.


Returns True if task’s status is WAITING.


Sets task’s status to DONE.


Sets task’s status to FAILED.


Sets task’s status to PENDING.


Sets task’s status to SKIPPED.


Sets task’s status to WAITING.