config — Configuration object

Config objects encapsulate a set of configuration options for a valjean run. Here is how you create one:

>>> from valjean.config import Config
>>> config = Config()

By default, Config objects come with a 'path' configuration section, which may be used to set default values for any configuration option. A few options are set from the beginning:

>>> for opt, val in sorted(config['path'].items()):
...     print(f'{opt} = {val}')
log-root = /.../log
output-root = /.../output
report-root = /.../report

The Config class behaves like a simple dictionary:

>>> print(config.query('path', 'report-root'))

Module API

class valjean.config.Config(dictionary=None)[source]

The base configuration class for valjean.

classmethod from_file(path)[source]

Construct a configuration object from a TOML file.


path (pathlib.Path or str) – A path for the configuration file.


Construct a configuration object from a dictionary.

The configuration will be initialized to contain a few default options.


dictionary (dict) – The configuration object.


The constructed Config object.


Return self==value.


Return self!=value.


Return str(self).


Return repr(self).

query(section, option)[source]

Return the value of option from section.

set(section, option, value)[source]

Set the value of option in section to be value.

__hash__ = None